18 months post-doc position :MELICERTES

Post-doc position in soil science and remote sensing

In the framework of the MELICERTES project of the PEPR "Agroécologie et numérique", we are seeking to hire a  postdoctoral fellow to work during 18 months on soils properties prediction from remote sensing time series. The post-doc position will be hosted at the EcoSyS INRAE/AgroParisTech unit, INRAE Versailles Saclay, Palaiseau, France (https://ecosys.versailles-grignon.hub.inrae.fr/).

More information on the position and modalities to apply can be found on the following link:


I would appreciate, if you could circulate this announcement within your networks;  and, please,  do not hesitate to ask me for further information.

Looking forward to applications from motivated candidates.

Best wishes,

Emmanuelle Vaudour

Date de modification : 10 octobre 2023 | Date de création : 05 octobre 2023 | Rédaction : sf